Fall Behind on the Laundry? That’s Fine Because Today is “Clashing Clothes Day”


The fourth Thursday of every January is “Clashing Clothes Day.” Created as an opportunity to thumb your nose at fashion and wear whatever you want, the holiday has lost a bit of its rebelliousness over time. Fashion being fashion, this holiday has been embraced by garment industry experts and turned into a trend instead. Just consider these articles in publications like Vogue, Bustle, and FashionBeans:

So, instead of looking like you got dressed in the dark or ran out of matching clothes, your outfit for Clashing Clothes Day may set you apart as a fashionista.

What if it was unintentional and due to a lack of clean clothing? That’s okay because today gives you a free pass to look funkier than usual. As one expert writes:


“Today is merely a day to have fun with your outfit and show up in the brightest, silliest of hues, without the fashion police raining on your parade.”

(Plus, we’ll give you a few tips for overcoming laundry hurdles below.)


You’ve Come a Long Way Fashion Lovers

The history of clothing is extensive, and the idea of an “outfit” was probably not something important in early human history. Materials were, let’s say “rustic”, for centuries. Today, however, we have advanced so substantially that we use everything from silk and animal skins to recycled plastics and wood pulps to create garments.

Clothing has “officially” been around for more than 100,000 years but has changed radically in that time. Rather than just protecting and covering, it is now a part of our personal expression and used to explain a lot about us as individuals. There are not many rules, and though clashing hues and patterns were once fashion “faux pas,” they are now appearing in even the most luxurious lines and brands.

To celebrate today, why not wear clashing clothes? Experiment with prints and patterns, and do NOT reach for neutrals like white, grey, navy, or black items.

  • Should you wear a floral top with a striped bottom? Sure!

  • Can you put that plaid with that polka dot? Of course!

  • Cashmere and corduroy? Absolutely!

Now, what if you’re stuck with a mismatched outfit today because a mountain of laundry and dry cleaning has gotten the best of you? Good news! We have some workable solutions for you!


I LOVE Doing Laundry…NOT!

If you are contemplating stepping out in a mismatched outfit today because you fell behind on laundry and have no other options, it’s likely you’re one of many who find laundry difficult to manage. It might be too few hours in the day, too much has accumulated, or good ole procrastination. You may hate lugging it up and down stairs or to the laundromat.

You don’t love doing laundry, or even like the process. Put plainly…it’s a CHORE! Don’t worry – it’s always been that way.

While reading a book about laundry (yes, when not doing laundry, I actually devote time to reading about it…don’t be jealous), I found this gem:


“Centuries ago, well-to-do city dwellers sent their laundry to the country, where there were rivers to wash it and fields in which to spread it in the sun for drying and bleaching. Aristocratic French families at the end of the seventeenth century sent their soiled linens all the way to the sunny Caribbean for laundering. By 1900, the custom of sending the laundry out…had been adopted by other classes and was widespread.”

Laundry: The Home Comforts Book of Caring for Clothes and Linens


By Cheryl Mendelson


Sending bedding to another part of the world is no longer the norm, and obviously, the advent of at-home laundry machines erased the need to send out every piece of clothing or household linens. Yet, commercial laundry is still needed.

Think of the countless laundromats and laundry rooms open to those who don’t own their own machines. The pay as you go model is always more expensive than owning the machines, and it comes with the headaches of dragging items to and from the facilities.

This is why there is such popularity for services providing what is known as “wash, dry, fold.” Designed for those who don’t want to commit the time but still want the best results, or for those who just can’t find the time to get it all done regularly, they can be an amazing household time, money, and garment saver.

But, like so many other things, not all services are the same.


Experience the Difference

At Oak Hill Dry Cleaner, we offer wash, dry, and fold services unlike anything else. Not only do we sort items, but we also care enough about garments to hang things to dry when we feel it isn’t best to machine dry them. We do everything from regular socks, underwear, and street clothes to household linens, towels, and more.

Is it the least costly way to get laundry done? No, but it is the way to guarantee the least amount of wear and tear. After all, we sort in more ways than just the standard “darks” and “lights”. We use only eco-friendly, plant-based, and non-irritating formulas. We keep water consumption and energy use to a minimum, and we can pick it up and deliver it at no additional cost.

Whether it is a one-time to-get-caught-up order (don’t worry, we do this all of the time) or a weekly household service, booking is easy and free. We work with you to give a superior and customized experience far different from anything you may have had in the past.

So, go ahead and wear that mismatched and wacky outfit today. Tell everyone your laundry was visiting the Caribbean, or you were too busy to get it done, or that it is at the cleaners. No matter what, OWN that look and come back next week to learn how you can build on an unusual wardrobe as a great way to combat the evils of fast fashion.


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