Today is Winnie the Pooh Day and a Great Day to Learn How to Clean Stuffed Animals
To honor Winnie the Pooh Day (which is author A.A. Milne’s birthday, too!), we’d like to walk you through the most successful method of cleaning the many stuffed animals, including Pooh, Eeyore, Tigger, Piglet, and so many more.
After all, what is more endearing than watching our kids and grandkids, nieces and nephews, and even pets, curl up with their favorite stuffed animals? The pure love, affection, and comfort that on display make us want to ensure they have those toys for a very long time. Remember, it was Pooh who said:
“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart,” so let’s learn how to keep those little stuffed animals clean and safe for years or decades to come. They bring so much joy and can often become treasures, so let’s learn how to care for them over a lifetime!

The Blanket Care Guide for Every Linus Out There
Your blanket works hard to keep you warm, comfort you after long days, and shield you from life’s little stressors. It deserves some love in return. Whether it’s a deep clean, a fluff-and-freshen, or just a lint-roller session, keeping your blanket in top shape ensures it’ll be there for every movie night, nap, and heart-to-heart conversation.
So here’s to you, Linus, and your trusty sidekick. You inspire us to find comfort and joy in the little things – like our fave blankets. Let us know how we can help keep your blanket cozy, clean, and always ready for action. We’re even running a winter blanket special - pay for two blankets at full price and get the rest of your blankets cleaned at 20% off!!! We’ll even come and pick them up for free - https://www.oakhilldrycleaners.com/delivery
Tag us in your blanket care stories on Facebook or Instagram —we’d love to see your clean, fluffy companions in action! 🛋️ #BlanketCare #LinusApproved #CleanAndCozy
*All images sourced from the internet and may be subject to copyright - Peanuts Worldwide LLC

Make Sustainable September Year-Round and “Circular”
It’s Sustainable September and to celebrate the recent coverage of Oak Hill Dry Cleaners as a “Clean and Green” business, we decided to focus on sustainability. With that in mind, let’s start with a closer look at the very foundation of our business – clothing.
More importantly, clothing habits and shifting from a linear to a circular routine.

Fall Cleaning: The 8 Items You Should Bring to Your Eco-Friendly Dry Cleaner Right Now
It’s that magical time of year when the air turns crisp, the pumpkin spice lattes start flowing, and you finally get to break out those cozy layers you’ve had tucked away all summer. But before you wrap yourself up in that wool sweater you haven’t seen since March, let’s talk about a little thing called “fall prep.” Yep, just like we prep our homes for the change in seasons, our wardrobes need some love, too! And that’s where your friendly, eco-conscious dry cleaner (ahem, that’s us!) comes in.

Yes, It’s Time to Shift Your Wardrobe (Sigh)
Fall officially arrives on Sunday! Ah, fall. Pumpkin spice everything, cozy sweaters, and that crisp air that’s practically begging you to layer up. But before you can embrace all things autumn, your wardrobe needs a little TLC. It’s time to gently nudge those summer clothes into hibernation and welcome back the woolens, cashmeres, and all things cozy. So, let’s break it down and get you ready for the big seasonal switch!

DO Worry About It…
If you read our blogs, you already know we’ve been on a bit of a soapbox over fast fashion for a few years. It is a disaster happening in real-time and one that impacts the environment, human beings, and the economy. To say it is an important issue in our fight for a better future is a bit of an understatement, and this SNL skit (above) captures how massive a problem fast fashion has become. It is cheap, trendy, and available quickly and can be hard to resist. Not just brands like Shein fall under the fast fashion heading. Familiar favorites like H&M, Old Navy, Zara, and Uniqlo are also guilty of using this so-called business model.
You may not know you are buying fast fashion or recognize its perils, so we’re always here to help.

Hate Fast Fashion? Tie Dye Day is Your Day to Celebrate!
Each April 30th we celebrate National Tie Dye Day. While it might get you thinking about Woodstock and the hippies of the 1960s, there’s a lot more to the tale of the tie dyed garment and a lot more to celebrate.

A New and Exciting List of Laundry Dos and Don’ts
You might think of one thing every April 15th…laundry.
Yup, it’s National Laundry Day again, and we’re certain you’re ready to dedicate a few hours of time today to learning more about laundry than ever before.
No? Got something else on your “to do” list every April 15? That’s fine, go deal with that. We’ll be right here, ready and waiting when you get back.
Okay! Done with that other chore? Good, now it’s time to roll up your sleeves, or change out of them completely and into your chore-doing-duds, because today it’s all about mastering some authentically helpful laundry dos and don’ts.

To Fold or Not to Fold…
Do you HAVE to fold laundry? Find out the pros, con, and philosophies behind this practice. Folding laundry is actually interestin.

We Made the News!!
We made the news! Watch Pearl Small of News Center Maine visit us to discuss our work!

Celebrate Mr. Rogers’ Birthday with Oak Hill Dry Cleaners
In honor of what would have been Mr. Rogers’ 96th birthday, we are offering a sweater special. Just in time for spring, we encourage you to get your sweaters professionally cleaned and ready to be safely put away for the upcoming warmer weather. From March 20th through April 20th, you enjoy 10% any order of four or more sweaters. You can print out the coupon below or simply say “Code 143” when bringing in your order. Whether your sweaters were made by your mom, just like Mr. Rogers’ or just among your cozy winter favorites, now is the best time to give them the kind of TLC we specialize in here at Oak Hill Dry Cleaners!

It’s Halfway Through “Clean Out Your Closet Week” and Time to Learn More About Fast Fashion
This year, we celebrate National Clean Out Your Closet Week from March 11-17. While it is a great time to dust off those vintage or seasonal items and send or bring them to Oak Hill Dry Cleaners for a bit of TLC, you might also be tempted to pitch those things you haven’t worn for a while.
Hold on a second! There are good ways to get rid of unwanted items, and there are very bad ways to nix those out of date looks.
Learn about them here.

The Oak Hill Dry Cleaner Guide to Dry Cleaning
At long last, all of your questions about dry cleaning are answered…and answered honestly. This is a must-read, compelling, expose about the industry…no, it really isn’t. But it is a good read while enjoying your coffee and it’s calorie free.

Do You Know Thomas L. Jennings?
Before Black History Month ends, we need to take a moment to recognize a remarkable American inventor – Thomas L. Jennings. Known as the Father of Dry Cleaning, he was the first African American inventor to own the rights to a patent. His story goes far beyond the invention of a dry cleaning process known as dry scouring, however.

Mark the End of National Secondhand Wardrobe Week By Learning All about “Fast Fashion” (insert boos and hissing here)
Yesterday was the final day of National Secondhand Wardrobe Week, making today the ideal moment to encourage readers to convert this annual holiday week into a year-round activity. Why turn one week into fifty-two weeks? There are loads of reasons to frequently purge your closets and bring good items to spots for resale and reuse. You’ll save money, find a truly unique wardrobe, and contribute to a more affordable way of life for many around you.
Then, there’s the biggest reason to celebrate a secondhand wardrobe. Avoiding fast fashion.

Fall Behind on the Laundry? That’s Fine Because Today is “Clashing Clothes Day”
Fall Behind on the Laundry? That’s Fine Because Today is “Clashing Clothes Day”
The fourth Thursday of every January is “Clashing Clothes Day.” Created as an opportunity to thumb your nose at fashion and wear whatever you want, the holiday has lost a bit of its rebelliousness over time. Fashion being fashion, this holiday has been embraced by garment industry experts and turned into a trend instead.
So, instead of looking like you got dressed in the dark or ran out of matching clothes, your outfit for Clashing Clothes Day may set you apart as a fashionista.
What if it was unintentional and due to a lack of clean clothing? That’s okay because today gives you a free pass to look funkier than usual. As one expert writes:
“Today is merely a day to have fun with your outfit and show up in the brightest, silliest of hues, without the fashion police raining on your parade.”
(Plus, we’ll give you a few tips for overcoming laundry hurdles)

It’s National Coffee Break Day…Learn How to Deal with Coffee Stains
No matter how you have spilled a bit of coffee or tea, we thought today would be the best day to learn how to address the issue. Why today? Because it is National Coffee Break Day!
While I say any day is the perfect day for a coffee break, every January 20 is a day “all about highlighting the importance of a coffee break during work hours.”
After all, a quick jolt of caffeine can sharpen the mind and get you over a lull in energy that takes you through the rest of the day. In fact, according to “the National Coffee Association, coffee is rich in antioxidants that have various health benefits. A ‘coffee break,’ on the other hand, helps workers relax, become more productive, and stay motivated. Experts have even gone so far as to say that taking a coffee break is essential for maintaining business ties. It also enhances performance and increases cognitive efficiency.”
Does a coffee break reduce the risk of spills and stains, though? Nope. So, let’s see how to address this crisis of coffee loss, or more appropriately, how to remove coffee (or tea) stains on clothing.