It’s National Laundry Day!!


Join Oak Hill Dry Cleaners in a Germ-Away Challenge!!

Wouldn’t it be great if you could ask your pal “Alexa” to do all of the laundry in the house – especially now when there is so much of it to tackle?! It might surprise you to learn that even with several laundry days a week, most homes are not doing it nearly enough to kill off microbes and bacteria.

This is important in this current period, when the novel coronavirus has caused such chaos around the planet.

While experts around the globe are working around the clock to figure out how to combat and kill the novel Coronavirus, we can turn to the wisdom of our grandmothers to support healing in our homes.

How? Throw open the windows, breath in the fresh air, and get some sunlight.

In fact, those same tireless experts agree…and disagree…a bit.

"The droplets that carry viruses do not stay suspended in humid air as long, and the warmer temperatures lead to more rapid virus degradation," Elizabeth McGraw, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics at Pennsylvania State University said to Time Magazine recently.

However, the World Health Organization also emphasizes that transmission can and does occur in regions with hot and humid weather, so it is not a protection against infection.

They also point out that UV light may not kill the virus, that deep freezing may not kill it, either. They talk about intense heat and chemical compounds being most effective, but many consumers are unsure just how to get those results.

So, there are many myths to be busted about coronavirus, and all of that busting is occurring in real-time.

What can you do about it all right now? Celebrate National Laundry Day, of course!

Why not take some time now to join Oak Hill Dry Cleaner in its germ-away challenge. Start by giving your house a hefty spring cleaning. Strip the beds, change the curtains, clean the furniture, scrub the floors, and wash those throw rugs…it’s National Laundry Day, after all.

If you can’t get it all done with your home laundry machines or you want to sanitize things like bedspreads, curtains, linens, throws, and even furniture covers and slipcovers, we can handle it for you. Give us a call for free pickup and delivery services. We will give you personal laundry bags that guarantee your items remain safe and sanitary at all times, and are returned to you in tip-top condition ready for spring or seasonal storage.

Use Good, Old-Fashioned, Common Sense

While it is premature to say whether or not sunlight and heat can temper the coronavirus, we know a few basic truths about household hygiene and human health during a time like this:

• Sun exposure boosts natural vitamin D levels, combating the risks of acute respiratory infection…so get out into the beautiful day

• You can and should disinfect surfaces and materials daily…so dive into the germ away challenge and use EPA-registered household disinfectants for household cleansing

• Let us help! Experts say you should turn to drycleaners as “professional dry cleaning and laundry operations can help contain the spread of the virus because the heat and chemistry of the professional cleaning process is known to kill germs,” according to both the CDC and WHO.

Today is the day to celebrate spring and get your home healthy, clean and ready for the coming season. Let us help in any way we can!


The Germ-Away Challenge: Week Two


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