The Germ-Away Challenge: Week Two
Toby Bartlett Toby Bartlett

The Germ-Away Challenge: Week Two

The Germ Away Challenge: Week Two - Bedding

The worst details about our bedding, though, are about the germs…all those germs! This week, we’ll focus our germ-away challenge on one of a germ’s favorite places to chill and thrive: the bed, or more specifically, the bedding we use on our beds..

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Netflix and...Spill?
Toby Bartlett Toby Bartlett

Netflix and...Spill?

If you’re house is anything like ours, the sofa and the remote control are getting a workout. The refrigerator door is also doing a lot of flexing, Roku is wondering if we ever sleep, and then there’s the sofa…the poor sofa. It has witnessed a few catastrophes as the rules around where we eat have been updated.

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