The Germ-Away Challenge: Week Two
The Germ Away Challenge: Week Two - Bedding
The worst details about our bedding, though, are about the germs…all those germs! This week, we’ll focus our germ-away challenge on one of a germ’s favorite places to chill and thrive: the bed, or more specifically, the bedding we use on our beds..

Netflix and...Spill?
If you’re house is anything like ours, the sofa and the remote control are getting a workout. The refrigerator door is also doing a lot of flexing, Roku is wondering if we ever sleep, and then there’s the sofa…the poor sofa. It has witnessed a few catastrophes as the rules around where we eat have been updated.

Stain Removal 101: The Everyone is At Home and Everything is Getting Stains and Spills Edition
Is your household experiencing an unprecedented number of spills and stains? Does it seem like your laundry machines are on 24-hour duty? We hear this a lot and we also get lots of calls from people wondering just how the heck to get grease stains, tomato sauce stains, and lot of other unwelcome materials out of their clothing and household items.